Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baka to test 2nd Season Confirmed

Baka to test 2nd season

The official site has announced that Baka to Test 2nd season will be aired this coming Summer.

Cant write a future review or rather a future anticipation of what will happen in this anime [Cries]
But after i finished downloading the 1st season I would definitely update this post. (Currently downloading 1st season at 30%) and it could take 3 days... if i'm not busy.. to watch all those episodes. Thats it for now.

Woah... watched the 1st episode of the season 1 and this is a great anime! everyone must watch this and I really recommend this series `\\_(o_o)_//`. 

Indeed, this series is just too great for me to write the words that are capable of describing it. Now I already had the ideas of what to expect in the coming season 2 of this series. I think it is the character development of both Akihisa and Himeji. Himeji still can't confess her feelings to Akihisa till the end and season 2 would be the best way to enhance their character development. For the ESB thingy, maybe a transfer student that will act as good but he/she has really bad intentions.

Well, we really don't know what will happen, and this is just my premonition says.... (<--- are you a retarded person?

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